Second Paid Containers Workshop and Free Workshop in Kolkata

I did my second paid workshop in Bangalore on 12th and 13th March.  I had the similar count of participation as last time. Most of participants had some prior experience with Linux so it was much easy and I was well prepared as well. So things went more smooth than last time. One of the participant from the … Read more

Bangalore Docker Meetup #18

As decided in the last meetup, we’ll discuss about the Logging and Monitoring Docker containers next time. This time our meetup was hosted at HPE office in Electronic City, Bangalore. Around 80 people attended the meetup this time. After taking few questions we started with formal presentations. This time I gave the first talk but did … Read more

DevConf 2016, Brno, CZ

DevConf’16, which happened between 5th to 7th Frb’16 at Brno, CZ; was my first conference after leaving Red Hat. My workshop on Comparing Docker Orchestration Tools got selected, so I decided to go. Though I got the accommodation but I had to pay my own air fare. Devconf is one of the conference which has very … Read more

Free Containers (Docker) Workshop – Hyderabad

After doing free containers (Docker) workshop in Bangalore, Pune and Chennai; the next stop was Hyderabad which was scheduled on 13th Feb’16. Getting the audience and community space at Hyderabad was not as simple as other places because I have never worked there and did not have much community connections. When I scheduled it I … Read more

Bangalore Docker Meetup #17

As decided in the Dec’15 meetup, in the next meetup we would discuss about different Orchestration tool available to run containers in a cluster. This meetup was hosted by Shippable at their Bangalore office and we talked about Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos and Amazon ECS. Thanks to Aditya for filling in for Mesos, last minute as … Read more

Report from Containers (Docker) Workshop – Chennai

After doing free workshop in Bangalore and Pune, next stop of free workshop was in Chennai which I delivered on 9th Jan’16. I got few registrations for Chennai last month but after announcing it on Chennai Linux User group, I got more registrations. I was looking for a community space to host the workshop as it was free one. … Read more

Bangalore and Pune – Free Containers (Docker) workshop

After leaving my full time job at Red Hat I started offering some free workshops in different cities on India. As currently I am staying in Bangalore and stayed in Pune for 8 years before moving, I choose both of these places to start with. Later  I’ll be doing the free workshops in Chennai, Hyderabad and … Read more

Docker Bangalore Meetup #16

Last Saturday on 5th Dec’15 we had another Docker meetup at Dell’s India R & D office in Bangalore. I think this was most attended meetup and very well organized. We had great set of talks lined up this time. Docker 1.9 – New Features – Sreenivas Makam, Cisco Practical Docker Solution – Kesav Kolla, CTO HotelSoft … Read more

Left Red Hat .. Again, to start something on my own

Yesterday (2nd Dec’15) was my last day at Red Hat  (again). I left Red Hat in Dec’08 to join a startup and then joined back on Sept’12 .  This time I worked in the performance engineering team, which does performance evaluation of all the Red Hat products. It was best team I worked so far. I did performance … Read more