9th Bangalore Docker meetup – Session on Kubernetes

After successfully organizing the Docker Global hackthon on 1st Nov’14, we have not thought about the next meetup. Then Vishnu Kanan from Google pinged us saying that he would be visiting Banglaore during last week of Nov and would like to talk about Kubernetes. We had quick discussion among co-organizers and thought it would be … Read more

Project Atomic Test Day- 20th Nov’14

Project Atomic test day for Fedora 21 was scheduled on 20th Nov’14. To be a part of that we organized test day in Red Hat’s Bangalore office.  As far as I know this is the first such activity we did in Fedora Community  from Bangalore. In Pune, India Fedora community organised  FADs on F21 testing and … Read more

8th Bangalore Docker meetup and Global Hackathon#2

On 1st Nov’14, Red Hat offices in Bangalore and Pune hosted Docker meetups and Hackathon. ~40 people attended Bangalore meetup. Before the hackathon we had following presentations :- Docker Global Hackday opening by Avi Cavale, Co-founder and CEO, Shippable. Introduction to Docker – Pranay Pareek, Shippable Introduction to Project Atomic – Neependra Khare, Red Hat. In … Read more

7th Bangalore Docker Meetup

Last Saturday on 20th Sept’14 we had 7th Bangalore Docker meetup at Relevance Lab. The agenda of the meetup was :- 1. Introduction to Docker- Jeeva, IBM 2. Namespaces/CGroups – Madhurranjan Mohaan , Apigee 3. Intorduction to CoreOS – Jitendra Kumar Yadav, Verizon Labs The meetup started with round of introduction from participants and the … Read more

Sequoia::Hack’14 – Social Listening with Docker Containers

I participated in Sequoia Hack’14  with Shireeh Anjal. We worked in different teams at Red Hat. In last year’s Sequoia hack we participated in different teams. This years we decided to form a team and use the team name I used last time Shadowfax. As currently I am playing with Docker, so I wanted to … Read more

LinuxCon/CloudOpen NA 2014

I got the opportunity to attend LinuxCon/CloudOpen NA this year, which happened last week b/w 20th to 22nd August’14. Few take aways for me  from the Keynote of Jim  Zemlin were – Software is eating the World and Open Source is eating the Software. – Any software foundation should work like janitor for its project, enable structured … Read more

6th Bangalore and 5th Chicago Docker Meetup

This month I got the opportunity to attend two Docker Meetups in two different parts of the World. One in Bangalore which I co-organizes and other in Chicago due to my visit to LinuxCon. http://www.meetup.com/Docker-Bangalore/events/194813972/ In Bangalore Docker Meetup  we had following agenda :- 1. Introduction to Docker – Lalatendu Mohanthy, Red Hat 2. Hands-On … Read more

5th Bangalore Docker meetup

Last weekend, 28th June we had 5th Bangalore Docker meetup at Shippabale. Over the last few weeks we worked on the agenda and finalized on following :- 1. Dockercon Report    –    Neependra Khare, Red Hat Dockercon is scheduled on 9th-10th June’14.  If anyone of us attending Dockercon then he/she can share his/her experience. Else … Read more

3rd and 4th Bangalore Docker meetup

In May’14 we had two docker meetups in Bangalore. First was on May 10th and Shippable and second on May 31st at Red Hat office. In first meetup we had two sessions  Issues faced while deploying Docker in production by Ragesh (@rageshk ) from Shippable  Dry run of my Dokcer workshop @rootconf Though there were less attendees … Read more