7th Bangalore Docker Meetup

Last Saturday on 20th Sept’14 we had 7th Bangalore Docker meetup at Relevance Lab. The agenda of the meetup was :-

1. Introduction to Docker- Jeeva, IBM

2. Namespaces/CGroupsMadhurranjan Mohaan , Apigee

3. Intorduction to CoreOS – Jitendra Kumar Yadav, Verizon Labs

The meetup started with round of introduction from participants and the hosts. Jeeva gave short and good introduction to Docker. After that Madhurranjan gave excellent session on Namespaces and Cgroups. The demos really helped to understand concepts well. The last talk was from Jitendra of Verizon Labs in which he covered basics of CoreOS .

During the vote of thanks, Puneet talked about his experience from DockerCon, which he attended few month back. He also said he is very happy to see such active Docker community in Bangalore and Relevance Lab would be activly participating in the meetups.

We talked about two other things

1. Participating in the next global Docker hackathon which is scheduled last week October’14. I was happy to see many members showing interest to it. It would great if we can take participation to next level and contribute to Docker code base.

2. Participating is Project Atomic test days. Fedora community would be organizing the test days for Project Atomic and it would be great if interested members can join that.

Hope participants were able to learn something new in this meetup. Thanks to Saifi Khan for the taking and sharing the pictures.

2 thoughts on “7th Bangalore Docker Meetup”

  1. Thanks for the summary! I’m new to Docker and would like to join the meetup and learn more about Docker and contribute to the same!


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