Running GlusterFS inside docker container

As a part of GlusterFS 3.5 testing and hackathon, I decided to put GlusterFS inside a docker container.So I installed docker on my Fedora20 desktop [sourcecode language=”text” gutter=”false”] $ yum install docker-io -y $ systemctl enable docker.service ln -s ‘/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service’ ‘/etc/systemd/system/’ $ systemctl start docker.service $ docker version Client version: 0.7.6 .. Server version: 0.7.6 … Read more

Bangalore::Hack 2013 by Sequoia Capital

I participated in Bangalore::Hack 2013 last week and was planning to do a blog post about my participation. So I started to collect the relevant link to put on the blog post and came across this :- and saw the mention about my work. 4) Government information aggregator – This one is close to my heart; a … Read more

Red Hat Summit 2013

I attended my first ever Red Hat Summit last week and got the opportunity to present as well. I also got the chance to meet my team in here after interacting with them for almost an year now. The summit got kick started with on 11th June with Jim’s keynote. Jim came on the stage wearing  jeans. How cool … Read more

Joined back Red Hat!!

On 3rd September’12 I joined back Red Hat 🙂 . Earlier I worked with Red Hat for 3 years in in GSS (Global Support Services) in Pune.  This time I joined the peformance team in Banagalore office and will be working on Red Hat Storage (Gluster) product. I am really happy to join back the company … Read more

Linux Performance Analysis and Tuning talk at PLUG and University of Pune

On this month’s PLUG session I gave talk on Performance Analysis and Tuning on Linux, which has good feedback. Then I got an invitation to do the similar lecture from CMS (Centre for Modeling and Simulation) Department, University of Pune. I accepted it and took a session on 25th of this month. I covered same topics in … Read more