Is increased data collection and information sharing improve or damage 21st-century life?

In last week of our course Understanding Media by Understanding Google we have to answer question similar to mentioned above. Here is my take on that:- We love convenience !! We are always willing to pay something extra for it. The payment we make may, not be the direct one. Lets say you want to have pizza … Read more

Is our constant urge to use mobile device or do google search good ?

In second last week of our course Understanding Media by Understanding Google we have to answer question similar to mentioned above. Here is my take on that. Lets say our referred in the question is me. While at work or otherwise when I am engaged with my primary activity I do Google searches and browse the internet … Read more

Saurya-Mandal ki sair (Star-Party)

Yesterday I attended the star party organized by Jyotirvidya Parisanstha, Pune.JVP organizes an over-night star party outside the city of Pune around 30 km from the city glow.Program contains necked eye star gazing, telescopic viewing of moon, planets, nebulae, galaxies,slide shows; astro-games, etc. I came to know about this from our Askshar Bharati group that … Read more