PGDSP Entrance Exam

Yesterday we had the PGDSP entrance exam at KQ Infotech. Around 50% of the students who registered, attended the test.The test was pretty simple; we asked basic C, Data Structure and Operating System questions.After the written test we took interviews. This was one of the opportunity for those who really want to do system programming … Read more

Why you left Red Hat?

Last month I left Red Hat and joined a startup KQInfotech. Some of my friends, relatives and few unknowns ask me why I left Red Hat in such scenario when the market is down. Here are some thoughts which I had while making this decision:- If not this time then never. I always to wanted … Read more


Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that gives value to survival. C.S. Lewis This first post of 2009 is to all my friends.Thanks for being with me.

Jiffy, Jiffies & HZ

Jiffies : The jiffies variable holds the number of times the system timer popped since the system booted. HZ: The number of timer ticks per second, is contained in the kernel variable HZ.The kernel increments jiffies, HZ times every secondJiffy: On a kernel with a HZ value of 100, a “jiffy” is a 10-millisecond duration, … Read more

Global File System(GFS) — Part1

File system is a method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they contain to make it easy to find and access them.There are different types of file system available* Disk file systems (EXT2, EXT3,XFS,FAT,NTFS,GFS,OCFS)* Flash file systems* Network file systems(NFS)* Special purpose file systems(proc file system) Each file system has it own … Read more

Jabalpur LUG event, 17th June’08

With the help of jbp-lug members I have organized a LUG event at Takshila Engineering college, Jabalpur. Meeting Minutes: 20 students from different engineering colleges attended the event. 80% students of city like Jabalpur lack the practical understanding of the subjects; they just somehow read them to pass the exams. As per my understanding lack … Read more

GEEP session on Virtualization

GEEP — GEEKs Of Pune…GEEP is a non-profit group to promote Linux system software.You can find more details at :- On 25th May’08 GEEP has organized the session on Virtualization.There were two presentations:-a. For beginners by me.b. For advance users by Mr. Amit Shah If we put “vitualization” on any search engine we get ‘n’ … Read more