Running GlusterFS inside docker container

As a part of GlusterFS 3.5 testing and hackathon, I decided to put GlusterFS inside a docker container.So I installed docker on my Fedora20 desktop [sourcecode language=”text” gutter=”false”] $ yum install docker-io -y $ systemctl enable docker.service ln -s ‘/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service’ ‘/etc/systemd/system/’ $ systemctl start docker.service $ docker version Client version: 0.7.6 .. Server version: 0.7.6 … Read more

FUDCon Pune 2011

FUDCon was sheduled on 4-6 Nov’11 in COEP, Pune. Because of my other commitments I did not get the chance to attend keynotes or closing talks but I watched some of them online. I did get chance to attend few sessions which were scheduled after my talks. I subumitted two talks and both were got selected. 1. … Read more