Life@42 and what’s next …..

From the time I read Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. which is more than 10-12 years before; I was kind of waiting to turn 42 to uncover the eventual answer of why I am doing anything and what difference does it make and to whom? For those who have not read the book … Read more

Jeevan Vidya Workshop

I attended my first ever Jeevan Vidhya Shivir (Workshop) between 28th August to 4th September at Anahad, Telangana. It was facilitated by Shri Ashok Gopala Ji in English and attended by around 15 people. I decided to join the workshop after looking its details in a WhatsApp Group. It took me just one minute to … Read more

Multi-Layer Organic Farming Workshop by Akash Chaurasia

I attended a 5-Days organic farming workshop by Akash Chaurasia at the Sri Paripoorna Sanathana Ayurveda Medical College between 15th-19th Dec’22. It was a complete hands-on workshop on the fields with lots of insights. Some of the important things I learned and observed are:- There were many more learnings but for some other time. For … Read more

Docker 4th B’day Celebration – Bangalore

In Bangalore we celebrated Docker’s 4th Birthday at Microsoft Office on 25th March’17. Over 300 participants signed up and around 100 turned up for the event. We had around 15 mentors. We started the event at 9:30 AM. After a quick round  to introduction with Mentors,  participants started doing the Docker Birthday Labs.  Docker community … Read more

Join us for next community event on Microservices and Serverless

If you are following the updates here then you would know that in Feb’17 AWS, DevOp and Docker meetup group of Bangalore did a combined event in the following proposed community driven event format.   Instead of INR 200 we charged INR 100 and did not look for sponsors. With all the collected money we gave … Read more

Bangalore Kubernetes Meetup #4 and update on next community event

Last weekend  we had 4th Kubernetes Meetup in Bangalore at VMware’s office. More than 100 people signed and ~40 people showed  up. The first session was from  Akshay Mathur and Manu Dilip Shah  of A10 Networks who shared their experience on choosing  and using Kubernetes for their  product. [embedyt] [/embedyt] The next session was from Krishna … Read more

AWS, DevOps and Docker Meetup

Continuing our experiment with community driven conference, this time AWS,DevOps and Docker meetup collaborated to do a combined meetup. We charged INR 100 to each participants to make sure they are really interested in coming. From the collected money we gave gifts to speakers and some prized to the participants. The meetup was hosted at Bangalore’s … Read more