Docker 4th B’day Celebration – Bangalore

In Bangalore we celebrated Docker’s 4th Birthday at Microsoft Office on 25th March’17. Over 300 participants signed up and around 100 turned up for the event. We had around 15 mentors. We started the event at 9:30 AM. After a quick round  to introduction with Mentors,  participants started doing the Docker Birthday Labs.  Docker community … Read more

Join us for next community event on Microservices and Serverless

If you are following the updates here then you would know that in Feb’17 AWS, DevOp and Docker meetup group of Bangalore did a combined event in the following proposed community driven event format.   Instead of INR 200 we charged INR 100 and did not look for sponsors. With all the collected money we gave … Read more

Docker Mentor Week 2016 – Bangalore

Docker organised Global Mentor Week around the world between 14-19th Nov’16. In Bangalore we scheduled it on 19th Nov at Microsoft office. We divided the group into two groups Beginner and Intermediate of 125 each. Out of which ~60 turned up for each session. The content for the mentor week was shared by the Docker, which … Read more