Bangalore Docker Meetup # 24

We did our first meetup for 2017 at GO-Jek’s engineering office in Bangalore. ~400 people rsvped and ~120 people came for the meetup. This is first time we tried to live-stream and record the videos. Though we could not record all the videos due to out lack of experience but still we got two complete ones, which I think is a good start. This first session was from Nishant Totla of Docker. He talked about Docker Swarm and Swarmkit.

The next session was from Saifi Khan who talked about Docker on Windows. He had no slides but demos. Somehow he had an issue with the display driver so we could not see the demo but even without any slides and demo, he engaged the audience with nicely and had very interactive Q & A session.

After Saifi, Thomas Chacko talked about Serverless Computing and Docker. He have very informative overview with some demos.

Next was Kiran Mova form OpenEBS, who talked about Emerging storage technologies for containers.

Lastly I gave a demo on Jenkin’s Docker Plugin and how we can the Jenkins pipeline to build CI/CD environment.

Within the community we were discussing about the community driven mini-conference/larger meetup for some time, which I documented here. Lets see if we can take it forward or not.

I also shared the details about the MOOC on container technologies which my company is launching on 14th Jan’17. The first course would be on Containers Fundamentals. You can find more details here.

We plan to live-stream and record future meetups. Hope to do better next time.

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